Minggu, 11 Februari 2018

Come on! Early Detection of Thyroid Cancer by Feel, Swallow, Feel


Come on! Early Detection of Thyroid Cancer by Feel, Swallow, Feel


Jakarta, Thyroid cancer is one type of cancer that attacks the human thyroid gland. While the thyroid gland is the largest gland in the human body that produces thyroid hormone, the point is to regulate the body's functions. Not many people know about this cancer, therefore the level of survivors was quite high. This cancer is three times more common in women than men. Most cases of this cancer have symptoms of a lump in the neck caused by swollen thyroid gland. But in some cases, this lump is not visible. Well, this is important for early detection in the right way. Try to grope the neck in the neck, the way is groping the neck in front of the mirror, swallow saliva, then feel if anyone moves from the bottom up, obviously endocrinologist, Dr. Dante Saksono H, SpPD-KEMD, PhD at Press Conference and Seminar Edukhat Sehatkah Tiroidmu? at Hotel Shangri-La, Jakarta, recently. Also read: Do not Underestimate These Symptoms, Can Be Thyroid Disorders Early detection by way of touch, swallow, and feel can see a lump in the neck that allows to accelerate the healing with treatment but according to doctors from the Endocrine Metabolic Division of the Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia - RS Cipto Mangunkusumo (FKUI-RSCM) is not enough just to feel, swallow, and feel. For more accurate early detection can perform thyroid ultrasound (thyroid ultrasound). If touched can be 3-7 percent of the existing population of bumps. If the ultrasound can be half. This ultrasound is an imaging examination recommended by all physician associations that deal with thyroid cancer, he added. In addition to ultrasound can also be biopsy, ie tissue or cell sampling is then examined in the laboratory. Detection in this way can predict such lumps including benign or malignant. Yuk early detection! The faster detected, the faster the handling can be given. Read also: Alert, Congenital Hypothyroidism May Infect Baby IQ (wdw / up)





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